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Lydverket Spanderer: Against Me!

Vi padler Øya rundt med Floridas triveligste rocker.

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Publisert 9:13 14 august, 2010

Vi møtte Against Me!’s frontmann Tom Gabel utenfor P3-redaksjonen i handlegata. Da hadde han allerede sjarmert Popsalongen så grundig at produsent Andreas Øverland ble blank i øynene når han forlot teltet. Vi tilbø Tom en padletur rundt Øya, og fikk en killer versjon av «White Crosses» midt på vannspeilet.

Etter padleturen gikk Tom rett til Sjøsiden og leverte en konsert vår anmelder belønnet med terningkast 5. Les mer her.

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9 kommentarer på “Lydverket Spanderer: Against Me!”

  1. Julie sier:

    Takk for dette! Against Me! er utrolig flinke, dog de eldre albumene er best. Reinventing Axl Rose er fantastisk.

  2. Klaus sier:

    Very good. It’s all good. People will always be stuck on RAR, but that’s ok. That album came out 8 years ago. What the hell is a band supposed to do? Rehash the same record over and over? Actually, bands do that all the time. And you know what? It’s fucking boring.

    • Anon sier:

      your a fuckin idiot man its not about the same cd being recorded over and over its about the message and passion behind the music, once the bands sound becomes too mainstream, hipsters and everybody fuckin else gets into them not because they love the true music coming from the heart but because it sounds like eveything else and is popular, learn a little about the punk sub-culture before you speak

      • Person sier:

        You’re playing a dangerous game of syllogisms anonymous guy trashing on someone for having an opnion.

        Wrong syllogism:
        Some bands in mainstream lack meaning.
        Against Me! is a band that just might have mainstream success after a decade of making music.
        Therefore, Against Me! lacks meaning.

        You see how being mainstream and writing passionately aren’t mututally exclusive?

        Correct syllogism
        Fucking idiots don’t use correct grammer and trash on other people using faulty logic.
        You did all of the aforementioned actions.
        Therefore, you are a fucking idiot.

        • Person sier:

          Ha, irony: grammar*

        • Anon sier:

          although they are not mutually exclusive, when a band becomes mainstream, believe it or not their sound does change, and with against me! it has changed to a sound that is very similar to what i would classify as «generic rock band» sound, and when a band does this, their songs lose alot of meaning to the fans because it shows that songs like «unprotected sex with multiple partners» really no longer means anything to the band, but that isnt the point of the conversation the point was it wasn’t about being stuck on a certain album its about keeping the same sound, but if they had kept the same anarcho-punk harsh sound they wouldn’t be mainstream

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