foto: AP
Norske soldater skal være med på å vinne krigen i Afghanistan? Følger du med på The AfPak Channel, som gir daglig informasjon, blir du neppe overmåte optimistisk. Sjelden har vel noen forsøkt å bringe orden til en slikt kaos. Her er noen av dagens godbiter:
Håp om forhandlinger med Taliban?
Scribbled handwritten notes purportedly from Taliban leader Mullah Omar have appeared in mosques all over Afghanistan’s Pashtun areas threatening death to those who take up the Karzai government’s offer of peace negotiations (AP).
Afghanerne vil ha likestilling og mer human rettspleie? The Economist har spist lunsj med Taliban-offiserer i en bakgate i Kabul:
Though courteous and hospitable, the commanders expressed ugly views. Asked about an Islamist acid attack on schoolgirls in Kandahar, one said: “What else do they deserve? A good woman needs only Islam, not school.” “Under Hamid Karzai, not one murderer has been executed in public!” exclaimed the more senior man in wide-eyed amazement. “No robbers have had their hands cut off!”
Tro på demokratiske valg?
Afghan authorities are investigating electoral officials, whom prosecutors allege have not adequately explained why they tossed more than a million ballots from the September parliamentary contests (AP).
Korrupsjon er bare et afghansk problem?
the contracting company Louis Berger has agreed to pay as much as $65 million in a settlement over allegations that it overbilled the U.S. government in Afghanistan and in exchange, the Justice Department will drop its investigation (McClatchy);
Allikevel – Martin Ross i Kongshavn vil det mange norske ISAF-soldater vil – selv om de er blitt såret: Tilbake til Afghanistan igjen.