- A real dick

Black Lips’ notoriske Jared Swilley er ikke nådig i sin kritikk av Wavves’ Nathan Williams.

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Publisert 18:40 10 juni, 2009
Black Lips knuser Wavves

Black Lips knuser Wavves

Black Lips’ notoriske Jared Swilley er ikke nådig i sin kritikk av Wavves’ Nathan Williams, som for noen dager siden brøt sammen på scenen og måtte kansellere resten av Europa-turnéen.  For sikkerhets skyld var det visst en kompis av Black Lips som ga Wavves’ frontmann dopet han ikke tålte.

- A friend of mine gave him MDMA (ecstasy), and he just couldn’t take it, opplyser Black Lips’ vokalist og bassist Jared Swilley.

Pitchfork melder at det var etter en konsert på Primavera Sound Festival i Barcelona hvor folk kastet sko og flasker på scenen på grunn av Nathan Williams grinete oppførsel, at Williams nærmest fikk en sammenbrudd og bestemte seg for å kansellere resten av Europa-turnéen.

Black Lips var på samme festival og mener at det ikke akkurat bare var et sammenbrudd: – It wasn’t so much of a breakdown as it was him being a baby. And that’s why I don’t like him. I’ve heard stories from others that he’s like a real dick. And just like a baby, thought he was really cool. But then when it came down to it, when the pressure came on he just couldn’t take the heat. Some people can’t do this, sier Jared Swilley.

At duoen Wavves ikke klarte å gjennomføre første konsert på Europa-turnéen, og kansellerer resten av datoene har heller ikke Jared Swilley noe særlig sympati for. - That’s cowardly to me. If you’re gonna do this, you put your all into it. Otherwise, just stay at home. He’s like a little puppy.

Og han fortsetter like nådeløst: – There’s so many people that would wanna be doing that. Being able to get flown over to Europe, and have people like your records and buying them. And then just blow it on your first show in Europe.  Someone  like that needs to not do this. He needs to go back to school or move back in with his parents and sit down and think about things. He shouldn’t play music. He shouldn’t tour.

Den stakkars Nathan Williams har tatt seg en pause på ubestemt tid, og er ikke tilgjengelig for kommentar. Men han publiserte en unnskyldning på bloggen sin som senere ble fjernet. Sakset fra Pitchfork (som var kjappe nok til å legge den ut før den ble slettet):

«I think in the back of my head I knew I wasn’t exactly mentally healthy enough to continue to tour the way I have been since February. Honest truth is this has all happened so fast and I feel like the weight of it has been building for months now with what seems like a never ending touring and press schedule which includes absolutely zero time to myself. I’m sorry to everyone who has put effort into this and to everyone who supported me. Mixing ecstasy valium and xanax before having to play in front of thousands of people was one of the more poor decisions I’ve made(duh) and I realize my drinking has been a problem now for a good period of time. Nothing else I can do but apologize to everyone that has been affected by my poor decision making. I made a mistake. Not the first mistake I’ve made and it for sure wont be the last. I’m human. Don’t know why I chose the biggest platform I could imagine to lose my shit, but that’s life. You live and you learn.»
- Nathan Williams

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5 kommentarer på “- A real dick”

  1. [...] sen verkar aldrig få slut på humoristiska vändningar. I en intervju med norska musikprogrammet Lydverket uttalar sig Black Lips bassist Jared Swiley, som också deltog i festivalen, om händelsen: [...]

  2. Rulla sier:

    heheheeee. han er så artig. og for en FEIT konsert de spilte her om dagen. black lips!

  3. Soda sier:

    Jared Swilley is amazing… the Black Lips are amazing! Just saw them at the Isle of Wight festival and they are really nice, friendly and TALENTED guys.

    Whoever wrote this is pathetic and needs to get a proper job.

  4. [...] Clans GZA, som også er med på deres siste singel. Han er ikke den eneste rapperen Black Lips’ frittalende Jared Swilley [...]

  5. [...] kalifornske bråkepoptrioen Wavves, ledet av Nathan Williams (“en kukkskalle”, ifølge Black Lips-vokalist Jared Swilley), skuffet vår anmelder Jørgen Hegstad en smule med andreplaten Wavvves i fjor. Med oppfølgeren [...]

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